#InspireWithvivo: Street Style Photography [CONTEST CLOSED]

vivo India vivo_official

2022-11-10 17:59

Hello vivoicers! you're exactly where you need to be!

Figure 1, view larger image

Welcome to the #Inspirewithvivo contest!

1. The #Inspirewithvivo contest is here to invite everyone to express that one common passion we all have & something that we really cherish!

  • Capturing moments & experiences as they happen!

2. All you need to do is to follow the theme of the week, take out your cameras, start shooting & sharing with #Inspirewithvivo

3. You need to post your photos on this thread by commenting below like this:

  • My entry for #Inspirewithvivo
  • Describe your inspiration behind each entry in one crisp line!

4. The contest will be judged by vivoice team

5. lucky winner will stand a chance to walk away with a vivo smartphone

6. The selection of the entry will be subject to two things:

  • 1. Overall quality 
  • 2. Popularity (entries that get maximum engagement) will qualify to get shortlisted (**Share your entry with your friends and family)

Theme: Street Style

Some minor Rules and Regulations  -

  • Enter by submitting your entry as a comment in this thread.
  • You can submit up to 3 entries, although only one unique entry will qualify to win
  • Quality is more important than quantity.
  • Please ensure that each entry mentions #Inspirewithvivo & you need to also post about this on your Instagram, Twitter/Facebook + invite as many friends as you can
  • vivo India reserves the right to request the original photo files before announcing the winner


Take out your smartphones & start sharing. Don't forget to tell your friends to cheer for you by commenting on your entry!

Contest Start Date: 10/11/2022

Contest End Date: 17/11/2022

Thank You!

Team vivoice
