Trends VS Classics: The trending games we love & the games we can't live without
vivo India Official

2023-08-18 17:01

Hey vivoicers, what kind of gamer are you, the trend lover or the classic player?

Us? We love both with an equal passion!

From the classic Clash of Clans, Tetris, Candy Crush and more that we'll be playing till we're 80 to the trends that bring the internet together and make us feel part of a community, the joy of gaming is one of a kind.

Now, we understand why some gamers are die-hard classics fans. They're truly amazing, right? That's why they're classics!

But do you remember how fun it was to obsessively play Pokémon Go or the way the entire internet fell in love with Among Us? Fun times!😊 

This is why we can never pick one over the other. But what about you, vivoicer?

Trends or classics, what's your style?

