Community Contest Content details
    Contest Alert | Play with natural light, share it in the comment below & win
    vivo IndiaOfficial

    04-26 12:43

    Hey vivoicers,

    Exciting news! Our weekly photography contest kicks off today!

    #TheThemeOfFocus for this week is Natural Light.

    Embrace the magic of sunlight and showcase its brilliance through your lens. Remember, the 'golden hur' offers the most flattering lighting conditions, with its soft and warm glow. No need to worry about exposure issues during this time, so seize the opportunity to venture outdoors with your smartphone and your muse.

    Here's how to participate:

    1. Capture mesmerizing moments using natural light.

    2. Post your clicks in the comments below.

    3. Use the hashtag #TheThemeOfFocus.

    P.S. The lucky winners will get a chance to be featured on vivo India's official Instagram handle. P.P.S. Winners will be announced after a week.

    Let's get clicking.
